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Galilee Newsletter - Week 3, Term 4

Posted by Cardijn College, Galilee Campus on 2 November 2023

Dear Parents / Carers,

I cannot believe we are already in Week 3 of Term 4 and in the month of November! This term is going to fly past! As we began the term it is so lovely to welcome some new faces to our community and also greet the 2024 reception students who have started their transition visits. I also recently spent some time with the Year 8 and 9 students as they reflected on their time at Galilee and on their skills and hopes for the future. The day was led by our Youth Minister Michaela McDonald. I look forward to upcoming reflection days for our Year 6 and 7 students as they consider pathways and transitions. 

Read the Galilee newsletter

Author:Cardijn College, Galilee Campus

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