Values and Vision

Galilee Vision Statement

Together we grow as a learning community grounded in the person and teaching of Jesus to create a world that is welcoming, respecting and constructing.

"As in the Galilee of Jesus' time, people were called to discipleship, people experienced God's love, healing and forgiveness" Sr Bernie Sontrop.1

In our education of the whole child at Cardijn College Galilee, we too seek to develop an environment of learning and growth that affirms each child as loved by God and enables them to flourish as 'thriving people, capable learners, leaders for the world God desires'. (CESA Living Learning Leading Framework)

Image of the Child and Young Person

Our fundamental beliefs about children and young people, which are grounded in a Christian understanding of the human person, impact on the approaches we take to their education and wellbeing.

We recognise children and young people as made in God's image, as "strong, powerful and rich in potential and resources",2 interdependent with all creation and blessed with a purpose in witnessing to God's love in the world. We acknowledge "children's relationships with God [as] valuable in themselves, and not simply as a prelude for what is to come. These relationships are already expressions of the eternal love of God present and at work in children's hearts".3 The young person is one in whom God delights and to whom God is present and active in their life.

Grounded in place where the ordinary is sacred

In the person of Jesus - in that place and time 2000 years ago - God was revealed in a special way when Jesus became human. This underpins a spirituality which is grounded in our real lives it reminds us the ordinary things and experiences of life carry the presence of God.

The Galilee of Jesus was the place where he lived his childhood, learnt, grew and began his ministry. We recall the many everyday images and actions used by Jesus to teach about justice, compassion and love.

As a Catholic School, Galilee carries the mission of Jesus in the context of our place here at Aldinga. In our care for one another and for the environment, in our listening, learning and prayer, in our relationships, in the lives of our young people and their families, we intentionally look for ways to know.

God's loving and lifegiving presence with us and with all of creation.

Therefore, at Galilee:

  • we develop practices of welcome;
  • we create learning environments that foster curiosity, beauty and just action for our earth;
  • we employ contemporary learning methods that engage student question and agency, reflective
  • practice and opportunities to extend and excel;
  • we foreground restorative practices in constructing positive relationships; and
  • we value student voice in liturgy and prayer as an important part of community life.

The vision for Cardijn College Galilee is that, like the Galilee of Jesus' time, it is a place of ministry and growth, where people welcome and learn from each other, respect each other's uniqueness, grow in understanding and are compelled to act, with the help of God's Holy Spirit, in ways that build a sustainable, hopeful, compassionate and just world.

  1. Sr Bernie Sontrop Founding member of the Galilee parish and school Co-ordinating Group 2006
  2. Carla Rinaldi, Re-Imagining Childhood: The inspiration of Reggio Emilia education principles in South Australia (Adelaide: Government of South Australia, 2013), 15.
  3. Children: Close to the Mystery of God A CESA Stimulus Paper Catholic Education South Australia (CESA, 2015), 7.



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