
Galilee's environment embodies the beliefs and values of those who live and learn here.

Every space has identity and purpose and this means that our beliefs and values can be inferred from the material form of the learning community.

Galilee recognises that children make sense of their world and engage with creation through play.

We believe that the environment is a co-teacher and that action in the environment will:

  • Initiate learning processes that transform participants
  • Develop children's ability to create preferred futures
  • Foster faith-oriented values, behaviours and lifestyles

In the early years of childhood (Reception - Year 2) children need personal experience of their environment and agency in their environment. Our early years students:

  • Nurture plants and experience plant life cycles
  • Care for small animals
  • Create and care for outdoor learning play environments (Secret Garden, Sheoak forest, Herb and Sensory Garden, Almond Orchard)
  • Manage school-based recycling

In the middle primary years of childhood (Years 3 & 4) children become increasingly aware of their place in a peer group. Our middle primary years students work together to:

  • Be responsible for Galilee’s Produce Garden and understand seasonal growing (Magic Harvest program)
  • Create and use outdoor places to promote relationships

In the upper primary years of childhood, (Years 5 & 6), children experience a developing interest in understanding of their place in the world. Our upper primary students:

  • Create and use outdoor learning places that promote reflection and local places (Galilee’s Wetlands)
  • Grow their capacity to influence the school community's environmental aspects (Sustainable Citizens)

In the middle school years (Years 7-9), students have the opportunity to appreciate and act to protect/restore global environmental systems. Our Middle school students:

  • Develop their understanding around conscious design and maintenance of practical solutions for sustainable living (Introduction to Permaculture)
  • Create and use outdoor learning places that enhance the biodiversity of the environment (Wetland warriors)

SCHOOL News & Events

6 March 2025
We are certainly into the rhythm of the year with year 7 students already attending camp and year 5 and 6 students pa...
14 February 2025
It is hard to believe it is already end of week 3 of term 1! The weeks seem to be flying past. It has been a great st...
4 December 2024
It is hard to believe but we have come to the end of another year! This year we have many achievements to be proud of...