OSHC and Vacation Care

Galilee offers out of school hours care (OSHC) onsite in our dedicated OSHC space for students in Reception to Year 6. OSHC opens at 6.30am and provides breakfast and activities for children until 8.30am. OSHC reopens at 3.10pm until 6.30pm where afternoon tea is served and students are entertained with a range of indoor and outdoor supervised activities.

We pride ourselves on being a child-directed service. Children attending Galilee OSHC are encouraged to choose freely from the activities on offer, as well as suggest and create activities and experiences of their own. All the usual options will be made available, such as craft, puzzles, board games, painting, drawing, construction, cubby building, outside games and sports.

OSHC is not available for middle school students however Homework Club will run every Wednesday afternoon during the school term to cater for students who require supervision after school hours.


Galilee utilises a software program called Fully Booked to manage bookings for the OSHC service.

Contact our OSHC DIrector Chantelle for more information on chantelle.dean@cardijn.catholic.edu.au 

Vacation Care

Galilee OSHC also offers a Vacation Care program throughout the school holiday periods. The program is planned in conjunction with the children of Galilee to ensure a variety of activities including excursions, incursions and popular everyday children's choices.

More information is available by contacting our friendly OSHC staff on 8557 9043 or 0411 382 054 (you can leave a message) or by emailing oshc@galilee.catholic.edu.au

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