Student Wellbeing

Cardijn College considers the holistic development of all students to ensure that their physical, social, and emotional well-being is fostered and nurtured. This development takes place by focusing on a student’s strengths and allowing them the opportunity to flourish and achieve to their full potential.

Cardijn College staff inspire, engage, and promote lifelong and life-wide learning so that students are developed into well-rounded graduates who are active and informed citizens to the communities in which they live. Providing and establishing an atmosphere of 'safety' and belonging is seen as necessary to facilitate individual growth and expression.

Wellbeing is intimately connected with the evangelical and religious goals of the College. At Galilee:

  • We explicitly teach social and emotional learning incorporating the Berry Street Education Model, Zones of Regulation curriculum, circle time and the personal and social capabilities
  • Each home homeroom visually represents a Homeroom Agreement
  • We actively affirm and celebrate respectful behavior across the school (positive postcards and certificates)
  • We measure inappropriate behaviour in line with the Homeroom Agreement
  • We use whole school practices
  • Sometimes students need support and professional advice in dealing with their growing and ever-changing world. Galilee has a School Wellbeing Coordinator and a Counsellor. If you would like your child to have some extra support, encourage them to make an appointment by contacting their homeroom teacher.

Meet Milo - Galilee’s Wellbeing dog

One of the highlights of our Student Wellbeing Program is the Dogs Connect initiative. This unique program has introduced Milo to provide comfort, companionship, and stress relief to our students. Research has shown that interactions with therapy dogs can reduce anxiety, improve mood, and promote a sense of well-being. Dogs Connect sessions offer students a valuable opportunity to take a break from their studies, relax, and recharge in the company of our resident furry friend.

School Holidays

The school holidays can be a challenging time for young people to navigate.    
Holidays can take students away from friends and their usual school supports. Changes to routine can cause some young people to feel stressed, isolated and alone. Parent/caregiver support during this time is very important. 
headspace provides some information about keeping healthy over the holidays that may be helpful for young people and their families. Please also see the Be You Mental Health Services and Support infographic
Further tips for adults supporting young people  

  • Encourage them to stay connected: Social relationships are an important aspect of young people’s general wellbeing. Friends can provide both play and support, and spending time with friends is also important for keeping and building existing friendships.  
  • Encourage them to stay involved: Whether it is work, hobbies, clubs or sports - involvement with these can help a young person feel connected to their wider community. 
  • Partake in physical activity: If your young person is feeling down or finding things difficult, physical activities such as walking around the block can help relieve stress and frustration.  
  • Keeping to a regular routine: Getting a good sleep each night helps young people feel energised, focused and motivated. Getting up and going to bed at the same time each day can help normalise their body clock.  

SCHOOL News & Events

6 March 2025
We are certainly into the rhythm of the year with year 7 students already attending camp and year 5 and 6 students pa...
14 February 2025
It is hard to believe it is already end of week 3 of term 1! The weeks seem to be flying past. It has been a great st...
4 December 2024
It is hard to believe but we have come to the end of another year! This year we have many achievements to be proud of...