Galilee Newsletter - Week 3, Term 3
10 August 2023
Dear Parents/Carers. I thank you for your kind words of congratulations as we start the term. You may have noticed this week I have not been greeting families before and after school in the car park as I have been attending a Marist professional ...
Galilee Newsletter - Week 9, Term 2
29 June 2023
Dear Parents/Caregivers, Wow we really are having a cold wet winter! I hope you are managing to keep warm and healthy during the cold season. Between such wet cold weather so much continues to happen in our community and we have much to celebrate....
Galilee Newsletter - Week 6, Term 2
8 June 2023
Dear Parents/Caregivers, This week we celebrated World Environment Day (5th June), and it reminds me what a great learning opportunity we have to grow deeply connected to all creation and to live sustainably. At Galilee we are fortunate that from...
Galilee Newsletter - Week 3, Term 2
19 May 2023
Dear Parents/Caregivers, What a great start to term 2 with so much happening! Term 2 Events
It was a delight to see the children enjoying themselves at the disco last Friday evening, this event is a highlight for many students! We have also had m...
Galilee Newsletter - Week 9, Term 1
31 March 2023
Dear Parents/Caregivers,

Campus update
Last week you will have received the information from Dr Neil McGoran, Director of Catholic Education South Australia, that I would be leaving at the end of this term to take up the position of Principal at A...

SCHOOL News & Events

23 November 2023
Dear Parents / Carers, As we move towards the end of the year, preparations are in full swing for 2024. I am pleased...
2 November 2023
Dear Parents / Carers, I cannot believe we are already in Week 3 of Term 4 and in the month of November! This term i...
21 September 2023
Dear Families and Carers, I hope you are enjoying the beautiful spring weather. On the weekend I took part in the C...